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Let’s Host a Write-In! Three Steps to a Successful Letter/Email Campaign

The People for Police Reform

Updated: Jun 18, 2020

Get your friends together (virtually, if you can!) and write/email a way into a more just future. Let's pass police reform as a community!

Licensed under Creative Commons by ccbarr. No affiliation with The People for Police Reform.

But first—what IS a letter/email-writing campaign?

Hosting a letter/email writing campaign is simple—and don’t hesitate to try BOTH forms of written communication simultaneously! This is how it works: EVERYONE writes a short letter and/or email to a select number of government officials. You want to flood the same offices so that you get at least one person’s attention, and they can in turn announce their willingness to break party lines and support the Justice in Policing Act. So now that we know what it is, how do we do it?

1) Get together a circle of volunteers who are willing to write.

Tap into your networks—faith-communities, local volunteer and outreach groups, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, friends you play cards with, family you’re still quasi-quarantining with…All of these groups are people that you can bring together to help pass police reform. All you need to do is distribute the message from our website (on our Take Action page) and ask your writers to communicate something along those lines to the government officials you’ve decided on. That’s it!

2) Keep your letters short, polite, and on-message—using one letter as a primary example for everyone.

It’s okay to be firm. It’s okay to be fiery. But let’s pass police reform in a manner gets our voices heard instead of immediately dismissed. Have your writers take a look at the letters/emails provided right here on our letspasspolicereform site. Using those as a guideline, people are free to add their own voice to that template and make this message heard!

3) Follow up with your writers to make sure that handwritten letters get sent.

After the initial event of letter and email writing (which can be an in-person pizza party, a virtual gathering, or a simple promise from every writer that they’ll get their letter written sometime that day), follow up with your writers. Verify that the letter has been written and has been sent. If you decide to host a primarily email-campaign, then just double-check that all emails got sent successfully.

4) Use your social streams!

Don't be afraid to use social media to advertise your event, recruit your letter/email writers, or even stream it/snap it/blog it LIVE, AS IT'S OCCURRING! Create a hashtag and let your social media connections know that the event is happening (so they have a chance to join in), then let them see how it went (so they'll be inspired to start a campaign of their own!). Don't be afraid to get your e-fam and friends in on this action...or perhaps we should we say, activism!

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